

Remembering 911 should not be about how I felt and dwelling on sadness and despair. It should be WHAT HAVE I LEARNED! Everything happens for a reason. EVERYTHING. No One dies for no reason. No One lives for no reason. Are we living in a state of OMG we are victims and weak and are prey to evil.  OR  Did we start to WAKE UP and look around and say OMG look what kind of world we have created. What part of my thinking and actions helped to create this. What can I do to change things. How can I improve my life to reflect out what I want in this world? What messages do I want the world receive? Love Meow!

Life School

I look around and I see I have so many projects started but really don’t do much with them. I have collected a lot of material for hobbies and I find I do more sitting around drinking coffee/tea, snacking. Watching TV or playing with my phone. Relaxing but not living. Days go by. Weeks, sometimes months, before I actually get up and do “hobbies”, you know the fun stuff. Thinking back to when I was most productive, fun and care free. Dare I say it… School: Grade school, High School. Back when I was young and had no choice. Get up m-f get dressed go to school, math, science, literature, history, P.E. Lunch. Then there were the electives, typing, home ec, music… Then you go home you have the weekends off but still there were chores to do and homework. So I decided to arrange my day in “classes”. Seems like it should work, I just need to plan my courses. Here is a list of what I want to take (school terminology, not actual time or actual order yet): Meditation...

Two Sides to Every Story, at least...

There was a picture on FB that read,  The people that did you wrong are telling a different version of the story and they're playing the victim. put out  by  What people think or how they perceive a situation has nothing to do with you, nor are your thoughts really about them. You have heard the saying there are two sides to every story. That is because each person is seeing what they need for their growth and the two are not anywhere in the same lesson. You both came together for your own lessons. ‘They’ did not do you wrong, you ARE helping each other. How you perceive it tells you about you and has nothing to do with the surfac e situation. The lesson is deeper. We have no way of knowing what lessons other people have. As long as you hold the other person responsible for your pain you will not begin to understand the lesson. If you look inside for the deeper message It can take you to some very unexpected places. It IS w...

A Soul Agenda

It seems that the hardest lesson in life is to get that not everyone is here to ‘get it’. They are here for “YOU” to get it. Everyone is here for their own reasons. They come into your life to teach you what you need to know about you and vice versa.  Point: only the ones that you need to be in your life for whatever reason will be in your life. That is why people come and go. The main thing we need to 'get' is we are not here to directly change others. But then again we do influence others as we learn. So learning your lessons help others learn theirs, indirectly, of course. When faced with difficult people we often want to ‘change them’ or think why won’t they change? We need to be thinking about how we are thinking and reacting to them. That is the key. Once we learn the lesson they will either go away or the relationship will transform. Take anger for instance: if you get mad at someone a lot that you think they are treating you wrong or ange...


I love walking into my living room. As I sit here looking around I see how life works. In the beginning it was just a thought that I wanted to change. I wanted a life that was mine. I looked around and saw pieces left over from the lives of others. While yes it is nice to have something to remind you of loved ones, that does not mean you must be ‘in their life’ to do that. The memories of them are   in my soul, there is no need for the trappings of things. If it does not serve you let it go. I then began thinking who is Me? What does Me like? What inspires Me? So having a friend introduce me to Pinterest, I set out pinning and planning what that would look like to me. But that was just starting out. A plan of action is not action but is goal setting a very important step. I did go and get paint samples and agonized over which to pick asking others what they thought. In the end I went with what spoke to me.   My planning did not make it materialize but was a blueprint...

An Adventure

 WOW, Haven't written anything for quite a long time now. So much has happened. At the end of June I acquired a cold. We were changing truck companies and staying in a motel room (supposed to be smoke free) that reeked of cigarettes. OK that did not help any with the cold or my allergies. Spent a week there then moved into our NEW truck. Yes, NEW! Meaning fresh carpet, fresh glue, ya know that deadly new car smell. Then a few weeks later we got a KITTY, yes I know I am allergic to kitties but I wanted one so bad. We had lots of room in the new truck for all the kitty accessories. Now, did I still have a cold or now was it just allergies to the new chemical soup I was living in? Husband bought a air freshener to cover his smoking smells. Yes more of something I KNOW I am allergic to.  I am then taking all kinds of OTC meds for colds, flu, asthma. Wishing I had a health food store to stop at. Oh yes, I also had to learn to dispatch our own lo...

Looking Behind the Anger

Dear Soul, I have been very angry the past few days. I have been sitting here trying to figure out just what the underlying problem is. Start with the current scandal that has my attention.  I was not angry at Mr. Cathy for going public and calling out the Gay community. Yes I believe he did, he said the world was twisted then brought up marriage knowing what a can a worms that would be after all it is a hot topic right now. He was playing it and He has earned handsomely from it. I was not angry at the Gay community for responding. The response was expected. I became angry when the army of Christians verbally started abusing the Gay community. This tells me I still have issues to deal with from being brought up in churches that scared me terribly and the nightmares it brought and mixed in with that is what I learned in school.  Being young I could see the wrong but could not make sense of why it was wrong. I was taught that all sins are equal and a...