A Soul Agenda

It seems that the hardest lesson in life is to get that not everyone is here to ‘get it’.

They are here for “YOU” to get it.

Everyone is here for their own reasons. They come into your life to teach you what you need to know about you and vice versa. 

Point: only the ones that you need to be in your life for whatever reason will be in your life. That is why people come and go.

The main thing we need to 'get' is we are not here to directly change others. But then again we do influence others as we learn. So learning your lessons help others learn theirs, indirectly, of course.

When faced with difficult people we often want to ‘change them’ or think why won’t they change?
We need to be thinking about how we are thinking and reacting to them. That is the key. Once we learn the lesson they will either go away or the relationship will transform.

Take anger for instance: if you get mad at someone a lot that you think they are treating you wrong or angering you for whatever reason. Look at the anger, what exactly are you angry about. Often it is a belief you hold about yourself that is not true. The other person is merely a trigger. They can’t trigger you if you don’t already have a belief, sometimes a bit hidden, there is digging involved, that you believe is true. Your anger tells you it isn’t. It is your beliefs, and they are learned not real, that is the problem. The other person is just indirectly trying to help you with that. I say indirectly because that is not their conscious thought process.  Yes they are trying to convert you to their way of thinking as are you. But the top layer is not the lesson. That goes so much deeper. As you learn your deep issues the top layer changes to the next item on your soul’s agenda. And there is ALWAYS a NEXT.

That’s right. Your soul does have an agenda, and rest assured you will be working many lessons at the same time. Many are connected many are not. It is your free will to learn, or not, at your own pace.
Each person’s thing to ‘get’ is their thing. It cannot be forced by you for they also have free will to learn, or not, at their own pace.

When you can accept yourself for who you are, you can then accept others for who they are.

Life is a constant journey, learn to enjoy the process. Or not.

Love Meow!


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