Life School

I look around and I see I have so many projects started but really don’t do much with them. I have collected a lot of material for hobbies and I find I do more sitting around drinking coffee/tea, snacking. Watching TV or playing with my phone.

Relaxing but not living.

Days go by. Weeks, sometimes months, before I actually get up and do “hobbies”, you know the fun stuff.

Thinking back to when I was most productive, fun and care free. Dare I say it… School: Grade school, High School. Back when I was young and had no choice.

Get up m-f get dressed go to school, math, science, literature, history, P.E. Lunch. Then there were the electives, typing, home ec, music… Then you go home you have the weekends off but still there were chores to do and homework.

So I decided to arrange my day in “classes”. Seems like it should work, I just need to plan my courses. Here is a list of what I want to take (school terminology, not actual time or actual order yet):

Meditation (home room, preparing for the day). 1st hour

Main courses:

Phys. Ed. (yoga, Tai Chi, Belly dance)

Optics class (my job (studying for ABO) – T/Th-Su This class is filled with classmates (co-workers, Patients)

Home Ec. (Home maintenance (cleaning), Interior design (decorating))

Lunch hour (food prep and dining), will need at least 3 per day.

Recess (Phone, TV, general loafing around)


Art Class (Painting, cake decorating) - M/Th

Music class (piano, violin, drum, flute) - T/F (future plans for Erhu and Harp)

Photography class - W/Sa

Reiki Class

Meditation (Home room again, cool down, closure to the day) 8th hour

And “Field Trips” of course, time with friends and family, vacations and holidays.

Taking the time to carefully plan and organize. Open to frequent restructuring, (Optic Class schedule fluctuates can be from 3 to 9.5 hrs. plus travel time).

Main objective is to keep it simple, flowing, Consistent, effortless and most of all: FUN!

There will be no punishments for course work not completed. Well...Optics Class has major requirements... But for everything else:

No make-up exams.

No extra homework.

No detention.

No suspension or expulsion.

Get off track? Simply check course schedule and resume.

If it is not enjoyable it will fail and the hum drum life with seep back in.

*Note: Not all classes need to be considered self/study. Classmates are Welcome!

Remember; Living is what we are here for.

Love Meow!


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