'Why I ordered the Eggs'

Dictated by Papaw Fluffy Kitty written by Meow.

Over a year ago my wife and I were with our good friend. I was contemplating the question of why we believe or do anything in this existence.

We were discussing going to our grandson’s first birthday party.  There were disagreements about what was proper for someone to do or not do.  In this case I was asking why we needed to go to the birthday party and my wife and good friend were confused and a bit upset that I would even ask that kind of question.
So in trying to help them understand that I was not asking the question to figure out whether we should go or not, my interest was in why do we feel the need to go? That’s when our good friend said he could see us all sitting down to breakfast and me questioning why we ordered the eggs.

That made me think, in our society restaurants serve eggs usually 24 hours a day, but they label it as a breakfast item.  I can remember feeling kind of strange ordering what was considered breakfast for dinner. So I stopped and asked myself, why do I order eggs?  Some people order eggs strictly for breakfast because it is labeled as a breakfast food. Some people don’t care and order the breakfast food because they like them. I am sure that some people order the eggs for dinner just because it is labeled a breakfast food and want to be different.  I see that there are many reasons why people order the eggs.

 So going back to the question we were discussing using the eggs as a metaphor I could help them see that I am not trying to not go to the birthday party. I only want to know the real reason behind going.
Was it because of societal pressure? If we didn’t show up would the other grandparents or grandkids think less of us? Or, if we showed up would we somehow be showing up everyone else by the amount of effort we had to put forward like coming off of the road just for the birthday party. Was it simply to be there to help celebrate the milestone of the child? Who were we going for? The child was only 1; would he remember or even know that we were not there? Are we going for our daughter? I wanted to look honestly at every reason we had for going or not going to the birthday party. Making the decision to go or not for our own reasons and not for what society thought was proper.

And because of this discussion I can now use the metaphor for questioning why I ordered the eggs with every belief and behavior that I have in my life.

We went to the party for the love of our daughter and our grandson with a clearer understanding of who we are.

Why did you order the eggs?


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