
Showing posts from September, 2013


I love walking into my living room. As I sit here looking around I see how life works. In the beginning it was just a thought that I wanted to change. I wanted a life that was mine. I looked around and saw pieces left over from the lives of others. While yes it is nice to have something to remind you of loved ones, that does not mean you must be ‘in their life’ to do that. The memories of them are   in my soul, there is no need for the trappings of things. If it does not serve you let it go. I then began thinking who is Me? What does Me like? What inspires Me? So having a friend introduce me to Pinterest, I set out pinning and planning what that would look like to me. But that was just starting out. A plan of action is not action but is goal setting a very important step. I did go and get paint samples and agonized over which to pick asking others what they thought. In the end I went with what spoke to me.   My planning did not make it materialize but was a blueprint...